Freitag, 6. Februar 2015

My Top 4 Podcasts Recommendations For Better, More Profitable Writing

Truth: even if you outsource the bulk of your business you have to still know how to do everything. The buck ultimately stops with you and your profitability is only as good as your ability to know what it is you do.

This is the sage wisdom of many successful business men like industry titan of their time Dave Thomas from Wendy's and Jack Welch from General Electric.
But what does this have to do with you? 

Great writers have always had the ability to sway the masses and rule the minds of those they influence. 

If you want to do anything that's sustainable and profitable, become the best writer and author you can. Your words, thoughts and directives will be repeated a million times over when you become prolific in your ability to convey your meaning through writing.

A writing teacher once said 'we use writing to influence those who aren't be in the room with us'. 

Are you an effective influencer?

To help you become one, today I'm listing the top four podcasts I listen to on a regular basis that have been responsible for teaching me more about the craft, art and marketing/promoting of books.

And the good news...they're all free to listen to!

Here they are in no particular order of importance:

Rocking Self Publishing: a great interview format with the hottest authors on all things writing, authorship and effective sales of books every Thursday

Self Publishing Podcast: a weekly podcast from three writing partners where they discuss all things publishing. Quite funny and full of great tidbits of information from them and their guests

Creative Penn Podcast: a weekly podcast hosted by Thriller writer Joanna Penn, concentrates on the business of writing and how to become success as a full time writer

Writing Excuses Podcast: a weekly podcast every Sunday of four writers, authors and professors of writing on the craft of how to write better. This is one of the biggest resources I attribute with my growth over the last year as a writer. 

There you have them, four weekly free training classes on how to write, promote, publish and thrive as a writer/author.

PSS: My friend and oft time mentor, Paul Coleman has a new book promotion technique training coming out tomorrow at 11 am. Be on the lookout on how you can easily use it to promote your books and other products with success. 

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